Welcome to Maple Ridge, home of the Mavericks!
It is an honour and privilege to be part of the Maple Ridge Team. Communication and collaboration between home and school will ensure that we are all working towards developing a culture of innovation, culture of caring, and culture of social responsibility in which we can all thrive.
We believe that in providing a safe and caring environment and in building supportive relationships with our students, we create a strong sense of belonging and student engagement. Mental health and well-being are important to student success.The Maple Ridge staff is committed to helping students develop coping skills, identifying safe people to speak with, building self-resilience and creating more positive self-talk to manage difficult situations.
Working together with our families, school council and community partners, we collaborate to provide an enriching experience that balances academic, athletic, artistic, and social aspects of being a Maple Ridge Maverick.
As we grow together, we recognize and build upon the strength of our diversity. The varied identities and experiences of our community provide opportunities to learn from each other's differing values and perspectives. The result of our work on promoting equity will be a school community where we all feel welcome, safe, and included.
We invite you to explore our website for more information on upcoming events and school communications. We are proud to be Mavericks!
Nous sommes heureux de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à l’école Maple Ridge. Nous vous encourageons à visiter notre site web pour vous informer sur les événements à venir ainsi que de revoir les communiqués envoyés à la maison. Nous sommes fiers d'être des Mavericks!
Mireille Filion, Principal
Maria Stenta, Vice Principal